It’s tryout season again, and we wish everyone good luck in their tryouts! For some, tryouts bring fun and excitement, while for others it brings stress and anxiety. No matter what situation you are in, we can help! When teams transition from the season to tryouts to the off-season, some continue to practice together during the summer, while others give players things to work on over the summer. The time from tryout, till pre-season training camp, is a long time that allows for a significant amount of improvement. For individuals who want to improve over the summer and stay on the ice, we offer weekly Classes! For those who have other sports, and other commitments, we offer Clinics that are condensed programs, two hours a day for four days. 

For individuals who want to skate with us over the summer, they can sign up for our classes at! There, you will find our weekly class schedule.

If you’d like to organize your summer in advance and prepare for the season, our end of summer Clinics can be found here:! There, you will find our summer clinic schedule.

For the coaches looking for team training over the summer, we have several options to suit the needs of your team

Firstly, we can run sessions similar to our normal classes on your practice ice. We work in collaboration with your coaches to tailor the classes to meet your team’s needs specifically. These types of classes are best done on a consistent basis whether that’s weekly, or bi-weekly. This allows for consistent progression and improvement throughout the summer. 

Secondly, we can run your training camp for your team. This can be a weeklong camp, where we run an on-ice program that is specifically designed to help your team be ready for the new season. This may include our edge focus, alongside our stride development and transitional movements, in addition to puck work such as passing, stickhandling, and shooting. 

Lastly, we can run a team assessment that includes both on and off-ice testing. On the ice, we would assess the skating stride and speed of each skater and provide individual reports and an overall team ranking. Off the ice, we would assess the biomechanical movements of each skater as well as their anatomical structure. These assessments give each skater a benchmark of their skating and body biomechanics and will provide them with a tangible goal to strive for! To learn more about our assessment program, please see our Skating Performance System here

It’s important to note that for teams who want to skate with us, they are not limited to any one option! We can provide as many services as you want, which can also continue into the season! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us a DM or email us at

See you on the ice!

Dave Levtov

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